We have put together this great system/database to help with organization and take the Roughrider program to the next level. Please fill out the information as in-depth as you would like. You are able to go in and update your profile at any time. If you have any problems please reach out to your team coach first, if problems still exist please email CSE at [email protected] .
Payment and registration will take place using this system. An initial deposit is to lock in your spot on the roster. Full payment must be met by the first spring(or summer) game or you/your son will risk being ineligible for the Summer season.
Click here: www.RoughridersLacrosse.com/Registration
- Use an existing CSE account or create a new one with your email and own unique password
- On the homepage – Click on proper division to register for: ‘Register for HIGH SCHOOL PLAYER’ for 2023 to 2025 OR ‘Register for YOUTH PLAYER’ for 2026 to 2031
- Use the proper Team Pin that was provided by your Coach/Admin. If you are unsure please email us at [email protected]
- Select your name from the dropdown**Once you have completed the initial registration, your name will NOT show in the drop down list**
- Complete the bio info, including any pictures and video
- Complete payment
- You are able to log in and make payments at anytime during the year by clicking on ‘Make a Payment’
- You are able to update stats and bio information, by clicking on ‘Update’
Cancellation Policy: The leagues and tournaments the Roughriders participate in may be cancelled due to occurrences beyond the control of Corrigan Sports Enterprises and the league/tournament managers. Inclement weather and other situations, such as, public safety, health concerns, and municipal directives, etc…apply.